Welcome to Military Shooters, LLC
We are wholesale ammunition distributors of Bear ammo, Aguila ammo, and Fiocchi ammo, and we offer great deals on bulk ammo for both handgun and rifle calibers. Take a look at our most recent deals for cheap ammunition!
We proudly feature the Bear ammo line of ammunition for sale. Produced by Barnaul of Russia, Barnaul is the premier manufacturer of small arms ammunition and is world-renowned for their consistently loaded, clean burning ammunition.

We offer Aguila ammunition for sale. Aguila ammunition is manufactured in Mexico and is some of the highest quality brass-cased, boxer-primed ammo for sale from anywhere in the world!
We also carry the Fiocchi brand of ammunition for sale. Fiocchi ammunition originates in Italy, but it is also manufactured in Missouri, right here in the United States! Their high quality center-fire handgun ammunition rounds out our selection of military caliber ammunition for sale at MilitaryShooters.com.
We carry numerous other brands of ammo for sale as well. We can provide you with cheap ammo pricing - some of the lowest prices anywhere!
If you are looking to purchase bulk ammo with cheap ammo prices, look no further than Military Shooters, LLC. As direct wholesale ammunition distributors, our importers are constantly searching for bulk ammo from around the world. Our inventory of surplus bulk ammo is constantly changing. Be sure to bookmark our site and check back frequently to find our latest offering for cheap ammo.
Bulk ammo sales are our specialty. For large quantities of bulk ammo, contact our sales department at Sales@MilitaryShooters.com for a quote.
At MilitaryShooters.com, we actually shoot all the bulk ammo we sell. Cheap ammo is only a good deal if the ammo actually works! The ammunition we sell is guaranteed to work...PERIOD.
In addition to our regular lines of Bear, Aguila and Fiocchi ammunition found in the FEATURED ITEMS category, we have over 11,000 products that range from reloading supplies to dog training equipment to camping gear! All of these additional items not found in the FEATURED ITEMS category are drop shipped direct to you from our fulfillment center. Please check out these additional offerings for more great savings when you are looking for something to compliment your hobby!
We Support CRIME Control, Not GUN Control! |
Our store is open 24 hours a day and utilizes the latest encryption technology. We assure you that your shopping experience will be safe and secure. Why not take a couple of minutes to shop our store now?
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**NOTE: We ship UPS Ground Monday thru Thursday. Our shipping and receiving department is closed on Friday.**
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Thank you for visiting us at MilitaryShooters, LLC
We look forward to serving you!